Happy Fall, Y’all
Hooray for fall! Having endured another long and hot summer, it’s time to celebrate cooler weather, the vibrant kaleidoscope of leaves changing color, and the harvest of farm crops in preparation for the coming winter. The autumn season officially begins today, Sept. 23, at least for those in the northern hemisphere. It’s a perfect time for a fall-themed photo booth, so let’s take a look at some inspiration!
Earthy themes abound at this time of year, as people decorate in celebration of the harvest. Pumkins are in season now, and make their iconic annual appearance on porches and tabletops, typifying that harvest aesthetic. Though pumpkins are a key ingredient for Halloween-focused photos, they’re great for autumn-themed photos, too, along with hay bales from farm fields now golden brown. Stack them in your farm-themed booth, use them as a bench seat, or scatter them as a bed of hay.
Corn still in the husk, maybe even still on the stalk, makes a great decorative element in a fall photo booth too, along with another staple of the harvest — the hay barn. Mock up your own barn backdrop from pieces of old lumber, perhaps from a discarded wooden pallet. Leaves — both abundant and free — are perfect decorative elements. The more colorful, the better. Other materials to consider: gourds of all kinds, old farm implements such as pitchforks, and simple, classic burlap. The key: warm colors, rustic charm, and fun!
Credit: Fannetastic Food
Credit: Style Me Pretty
Credit: Flickr
Credit: Flickr
Credit: Ruffled Blog
Credit: Jessica Ann Boutique
Credit: Urban Life