Whisker Works

4K Fan Giveaway Winner

Thank you to all of you who entered the giveaway! I’m really quite honored to have 4,000 Facebook fans. Whisker Works started just 2.5 years ago, and I never expected it would become as big as it has. I’m delighted every time I get to tell someone new that I design mustaches for a living!

I enjoyed reading all of the comments that were shared on the giveaway post, which you can read here. My favorites are below:

Did you know that IN ALABAMA it is illegal to wear a fake moustache that causes laughter in church?

I love unicorns. That will be all.

I’ve gotten more comments on the potato with a mustache postcard I did, than on any of my personal pictures combined! I guess I just need to do my personal pics with a mustachioed potato!

Favorite mustachioed celebrity? Mr. Redlegs of course!

And now it’s time to announce the winner!

Congrats to comment #70 belonging to Mysti Wilcox, chosen at random by Random.org. I will email you shortly with details about your $50 credit. In the meantime, browse the Prop Shop to start picking out your goodies!

Don’t be discouraged if you didn’t win – as Facebook Fans, you’re always entitled to a discount! Visit my fan page and click on the “Thank You” page for details.

Thanks again, all!

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